Data-Driven Subscription Fails but Report Runs Manually

In a continuation of my last blog post on Finding Report Subscription Errors, there was a tricky little reason why the subscription was failing for some of the parameter values, even though the reports could all be run manually.  Just like the Current User Filter in SharePoint, it is CASE SENSITIVE.

I got this error in the trace log:

library!WindowsService_113!308!05/29/2012-10:31:17:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidReportParameterException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidReportParameterException: Default value or value provided for the report parameter ‘Manager’ is not a valid value.;

But all of the values being fed to my subscription were valid values which worked when manually running the report.  Why did some of the reports in the subscription render successfully and others not?  It turns out the underlying query in SSRS for the Manager parameter dropdown had a mix of either lowercase or the first two letters capitalized. The query I was using in my data-driven subscription was all lowercase.  So only those in the report dropdown which were lowercase were running successfully. 

I solved the problem by changing the underlying query feeding the SSRS Report Parameter to lowercase, and ensuring that my subscription query was also lowercase.  This resolved all the errors.

Finding Report Subscription Errors

I had an issue trying to find what was causing a data-driven report subscription error.  The SSRS report is deployed to SharePoint, and Reporting Services is in SharePoint Integrated mode. The subscription was showing last results as “Done: 15 processed of 15 total; 7 errors.” It took awhile to find the pieces I needed to figure out what was causing the error.

I found some information about looking at Report History in SharePoint and creating a New Snapshot, which would give me the last known error.  However, since some of the reports had run successfully this did not work. 

Next I tried looking at the Report Server database in the ExecutionLog tables.  I isolated the query results to just the one report subscription by writing a query like this:

Use ReportServer
select * from ExecutionLog3
where  RequestType = ‘Subscription’ AND timeStart >’2012-05-29 11:30:00.000′

This only returned the successes, not the failures.

Finally, I tried looking in the Report Server Trace Log file.  There was very little in the log file and nothing to do with my subscription.  I knew that the Trace Log file should hold the information I needed.  After much poking around I realized that I had made a fundamental error in my assumption about the architecture. The Trace Log file resides on the SharePoint server, not the Report Services database server. 

Find the Trace Log

The Trace log files can be found on the SharePoint server, usually here:  C:Microsoft SQL ServerMSRS10_50.MSSQLSERVERReporting ServicesLogFiles

Find the ScheduleID for your Subscription

Find the Schedule ID of the most recent subscription by querying the ReportServer database:

‘SubnDesc’ = s.Description,
‘SubnOwner’ = us.UserName,
‘LastStatus’ = s.LastStatus,
‘LastRun’ = s.LastRunTime,
‘ReportPath’ = c.Path,
‘ReportModifiedBy’ = uc.UserName,
‘ScheduleId’ = rs.ScheduleId,
‘SubscriptionId’ = s.SubscriptionID
from ReportServer.dbo.Subscriptions s
join ReportServer.dbo.Catalog c on c.ItemID = s.Report_OID
join ReportServer.dbo.ReportSchedule rs on rs.SubscriptionID = s.SubscriptionID
join ReportServer.dbo.Users uc on uc.UserID = c.ModifiedByID
join ReportServer.dbo.Users us on us.UserID = s.OwnerId

Search for the ScheduleID in your Trace Log and find the Error message

Open the appropriate log file based on the time stamp being the most recent after the subscription ran, and search for the ScheduleID.  Once you find the first entry for your ScheduleID, look for anything that starts with e ERROR

The error message can look like this:

library!WindowsService_113!308!05/29/2012-10:31:17:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidReportParameterException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.Diagnostics.Utilities.InvalidReportParameterException: Default value or value provided for the report parameter ‘Manager’ is not a valid value.;


In preparing this post, I found the following articles to be useful:

Importing data from Active Directory Using SSIS

This is a neat little trick.  My client wanted to filter a report by employee manager, but didn’t have a good way to maintain the list of employees and their managers.  There were a few possibilities, but we wanted to use a system that already maintained the relationship between employee and manager.  We decided to pull the information out of Active Directory, using an SSIS package.

Addendum Sept. 12, 2012:  The approach outlined below works fine for a simple data set where the query will not return more records than the AD paging file size will allow (typically 1000 records), and you are only querying single value attributes.  However, I recommend you use this Script Task approach instead of using a Data Flow.  It is more powerful and flexible yet still simple method of importing any size data set from Active Directory, regardless of paging file size.  Read the step-by-step here:  Get around Active Directory Paging on SSIS import

Find the Active Directory Server

The first thing I needed to know was which server Active Directory resided on.  I didn’t want to have wait for I.T. to get back to me with that answer.  There is a very easy way to find this out if you are logged into the same domain.  Just run a command prompt and use the command


This will return the active directory server name and IP address.

Create the ADO.NET Connection in SSIS

Create your SSIS solution and your package.  Now create the connection to the Active Directory server.  There is a little trick to this.  In order to use the connection in a data flow you need to create an ADO.NET connection.  During the create process, in the Provider drop down, change the Provider to OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services.  Then enter your server name and test as normal.  If you were to create an OLE DB connection instead of ADO.NET and change the provider, it would not work for Data Flow connections.  It must be an ADO.NET connection type. 


Use ADO NET Source in your Data Flow

On the data flow tab, drag an ADO.NET Source onto the design surface.  Open up the ADO.NET Source Editor and choose the connection you created in the previous step.  Choose “SQL Command” for Data Access mode.  Now you will write a query to pull the desired information from Active Directory.  Your query will look something like this:

SELECT displayName, Mail, Title, physicalDeliveryOfficeName,  telephoneNumber, Manager, name, sAMAccountName
  FROM ‘LDAP://yourservername’
WHERE objectClass=’user’

or this, depending on how you like to structure your LDAP queries.

<LDAP://yourservername>; (objectClass=user); displayName, Mail, Title, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, telephoneNumber, Manager, name, sAMAccountName

You must put single quotes around the server.  For more information on what attributes are available to be imported from Active Directory I found this to be helpful:

You can test your query in SSMS like this:

SELECT displayName, Mail, Title, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, telephoneNumber, Manager, name, sAMAccountName

FROM Openquery (adsi, ‘SELECT displayName, Mail, Title, physicalDeliveryOfficeName, telephoneNumber, Manager, name, sAMAccountName

FROM “LDAP://yourservername” WHERE objectClass = ”user” ‘)

For this SQL Query to work you will need to add your AD server as a linked servier on your SQL server and name it ADSI.   In SSMS open up Server Objects and right click on Linked Servers.  Select New Linked Server.   On the General tab select “OLE DB Provider for Microsoft Directory Services” as the Provider.  Type in your AD server name in the Product Name and the Data source.  Leave the other fields blank and click OK. 

When running your query, if you get an error like this:  “Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider “ADsDSOObject” for linked server “adsi”,  there is a good chance your query is returning more rows than the AD paging file size allows.  In that case you can do one of two things: 1) filter your query further to return fewer rows (try filtering on a specific sAMAccountName to be sure that the query syntax isn’t the problem) or 2) use a C# script which is not affected by paging file size as outlined here Get around Active Directory Paging on SSIS import .

Data Formatting

Each field will be of NTEXT type.  You can leave them as NTEXT if this is an acceptable format for your destination, or you can add Derived Columns which convert the values in an expression, like this:





Add your Destination

Add your data flow destination and map the fields as you wish.  In this case I created a table in the data warehouse to receive the Active Directory data.

You can now finish your package and deploy it.  This is a simple but very powerful method.  I found it very useful and I know I’m going to be using it again.

Addendum Sept. 12, 2012: This approach works fine for a simple data set where the query will not return more records than the AD paging file size will allow (typically 1000 records), and you are only querying single value attributes. However, I recommend you use this Script Task approach instead of using a Data Flow. It is more powerful and flexible yet still simple method of importing any size data set from Active Directory, regardless of paging file size. Read the step-by-step here: Get around Active Directory Paging on SSIS import


In preparing this post, I found the following articles to be useful: